
for Palm Treo
Find your celebrity twin!
HashThySelf is a new kind of search engine based on a patent pending concept and method. On the realization that identity matches are of interest only to a select few (probably in CSI Miami and the like), we decided to architect a solution for the rest of us who are simply interested in likeness matches. We also decided to add a unique character to the service making it fun (some say difficult) to use and easy to recognize. When you submit a photo, our Hashing engines search the web for other photos, hopefully of well known people, that are similar to the one you provided. You then get a list of "hits" or ranked matches to your submission on the results page. HashThySelf is built around this idea.
How to use
It is as easy as pointing the Treo at your friend's face!
- Take a photo
- Wait while the HashThySelf engine works on your request
- See a list of possible look-a-likes
- Share the search results with your friends (can be viewed with a regular web browser)
Do you like it? There is also a mobile
Zetangole game built on this technology.
- Camera
- Network connection (face recognition software runs on the HashThySelf server)
HashThySelf v1.0 supports Palm Treo 700p, 650 and 600. Other devices may be added in the future
Here are some tips:
- Click the (?) button to pop up the help window
- Make sure you can connect to the network. Try the web browser.
- No matches found? This means the algorithm cannot register a face in the captured images. Please ensure adequate lighting. Often, a flash light helps in getting rid of unwanted shadows.
HashThySelf v1.0 from Clickgamer.com (105K, supports Treo 700p, 650 and 600)
© 2006 TOYSPRING & HashThySelf, LLC