
for Palm Treo
Play the best ice-breaking, team-building, mobile party-game in years!
Zetangole™ is a patent pending, celebrity-look-alike game. The game judges which contestant looks most like a target celebrity.
This revolutionary concept brings together recent advances in AI, Game Theory and Psychology, leveraging the latest and the greatest in Mobile Communication, Broadband, and Web 2.0 to deliver a most satisfying game play experience with practically no learning to play.
How to play
- Assemble players
- Snap each other
- Zetangole tells you who's the best Clooney look-alike!
Do you like it? There is also a standalone
HashThySelf application built on this technology.
- Camera
- Network connection (face recognition software runs on the Zetangole server)
Zetangole v1.0 supports Palm Treo 650 and 600. Other devices may be added in the future
Buy now!
The evaluation version only allows you to play 5 rounds with the same celebrities each time.
Purchase the full version now to get different, randomly chosen targets and up to 10 rounds in each game.
Other payment options:
Problems with game play?
Here are some tips:
- Click the (?) button to pop up the help window
- Make sure you can connect to the network. Try the web browser.
- Getting "No face" messages? This means the algorithm cannot register a face in the captured images. Here's how you can do better:
- Frame the subject in rectangle. Don't crop the subject's face and try to match as closely as possible to the target.
- El-cheapo flashlights really help. Get an assistant to hold the flashlight to your face, while the snapper shoots.
- Fire snapper, hire another. Maybe your snapper is just plain bad! Ask another player to snap you and get that point.
- Be nice; don't snap yourself. Get someone else to snap you. You can't snap and pose well at the same time.
Zetangole-1.0.zip - (100K, supports Treo 650 and Treo 600)
- Zetangole main site (recent news, blog, FAQ, etc.)
HashThySelf, the standalone HashThySelf client for Palm Treo.
- HashThyself, the company behind Zetangole technology
© 2006 TOYSPRING & HashThySelf, LLC